ReCaliBrand Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become one of the most important keys to a successful web presence. However, you can spend thousands of dollars a year on this one thing alone. We’re not saying that SEO is not important, it is. However, depending on your audience, it may not be as important as many would think.

We ALWAYS build our sites for a good web presence. However, careful budget considerations need to be made to maximize your budget. Allow us to tell you more.

Responsive Design

If you’ve not heard of responsive design, the short version is that your site “responds” to the device it is delivered to. For instance, if you view this site on your 17″ PC monitor, then your smart-phone, it will display differently on each. In spring of 2015 Google made changes to their search parameters and may “penalize” a site (in rankings) for not being responsive.

So what’s the big deal? Well over 50% of web commerce is now on a mobile device of some kind. Even if you don’t have an eCommerce site, understand that people are still looking at your site on a mobile device. Readability and display are critical.

Why did we say “Responsive SEO”? Because we feel they go together as well as social media. Very little on the web lives in a vacuum any longer. You need to have it all working together.